

Interdisciplinary Commemoration: Interview with Movement Artist, Amanda Donato.

Interdisciplinary Commemoration: Interview with Movement Artist, Amanda Donato.

I first wondered how Amanda would define her artistic practice.

"My style of work is physical, intuitive and existential. Often exploring themes of psychological states and patterns, my movement language is an integration of controlled and chaotic expression. It reflects my fluid way of seeing the world and my undying reverence for the art of dance."

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To Express What is: Studio Visit with painter, Ál Varo Tavares d’Guilherme.

表达什么是:与画家一起参观工作室,ÁlVaroTavares d'Guilherme。

我们有机会访问安哥拉堡,里斯本饲养的,现在是柏林的表现主义画家, álvaro tavares d'Guilherme。我们谈到了他的动荡之路进入艺术家的生活,从他早年开始的经历以及他与他的实践的当代关系。
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Demanding Female Autonomy through Cinema. Interview with Director, Andrea Hoyos.

通过电影要求女性自治。采访导演安德里亚·霍约斯(Andrea Hoyos)。

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Unpacking Inclusivity: Interview with PINKHAMMER founder, Killian Poolmans.

解开包容性:采访Pinkhammer创始人Killian Poolmans。

我们与创始人聊天, 基利安·池曼,在Hund Hund Terrace上了解粉红色锤子如何融合在一起,如何破坏现有的层次结构以及为什么包括各种观点对每个人都有益。
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AW23 Previews.


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Collaging Different Worlds: Studio Visit with Object Designer, Anton Defant.

碰撞不同的世界:与对象设计师安东·德克(Anton Defant)一起参观工作室。

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Preserving Cultural Identity in Exile: Interview with the founders of Berlin's Tibet Film Festival.


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SS23 part II.


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Robot Arms, Found Forms, and the Joy of Making: Studio Visit with Designer, Matthias Gschwendtner.

机器人武器,发现了形式和制作乐趣:与设计师Matthias Gschwendtner一起参观工作室。

我们也喜欢他的作品,因为它对周围的环境有多反应。当他将生命呼入被丢弃或被忽视的材料时,他展示了所有物体的潜在美丽,并促使我们重新考虑对周围世界的看法。我们谈到了他对发现的物体的迷恋,他如何从eBay Kleinanzeigen固定了2000欧元的工业机器人,以及最近对他的影响。 
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Living a Moment in Front of a Lens. Interview with Actor, Luka Dimic.

在镜头前生活一会儿。演员卢卡·迪尼奇(Luka Dimic)的访谈。

本周,我们很高兴欢迎我们的第一任演员参加Hundhund Stories系列。小时候逃脱南斯拉夫战争后, 卢卡·迪克(Luka Dimic) 在德国长大,在柏林学习时发现了自己作为表演者的身份。然后,迪米奇(Dimic Eismayer (2022) - 一部真正的电影,讲述了奥地利军队中的酷儿爱情故事。
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我们最近赶上了 ÅsaCederqvist - 一位迷人的瑞典艺术家,使用各种媒介来探索人类的行为和我们与自然的深刻联系。 Åsa的工作促进了一场超越理性界限的对话,这是我们非实质性的令人振奋的旅程,并为对我们环境的更大同情和联系而进行了积极的呼吁。
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Depicting the Fireiness of Anxiety. Studio Visit with Painter, Adam Lupton.

描绘焦虑的火力。工作室与画家亚当·拉普顿(Adam Lupton)一起访问。

最近,我们赶上了画家亚当·卢普顿(Adam Lupton),这是纽约市柏林文化界的新鲜进口。亚当的独特方法在某种程度上是在绘画,版画和手工艺之间的相互作用 - 这就是为什么您现在通过屏幕观看他的作品特别令人心碎的原因。面对面的观看体验提供了一个令人愉快的纹理,过程和样式的旅程,其中包含在像素根本无法正义的同一帆布中。上个月,我们访问了亚当的Moabit Studio,并向艺术家本人了解了他的实践演变,他的调色板的故事以及他内省的主题。
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How You Can Help Ukrainian Animals. Interview with Leonie Stein from WAYKS Berlin.

您如何帮助乌克兰动物。柏林Wayks的Leonie Stein采访。

最近我们看到了我们的好朋友 Wayks柏林 通过利用黑色星期五销售的收入来购买一吨宠物食品,做了一件美丽的事情 宠物 - 一个支持乌克兰脆弱动物的动物救援组织。这些动物中有许多人发现了从巴塞罗那到柏林的欧洲各地的新家庭,例如与现为Gerda的骄傲的所有者Wayks的联合创始人Leonie。
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In Search of Beautiful Misunderstandings: Studio Visit with Installation Artist, Asako Shiroki.

寻找美丽的误解:与安装艺术家Asako Shiroki一起参观工作室。

几周前,我们介入了日本出生的柏林装置艺术家 asako shiroki。这是柏林一个悲伤而下雨的下午,但是在阿萨科(Asako)的schöneberg工作室的庇护所里进行了热情而可爱的交谈 - 有趣的是,这很有趣,我对此并不陌生,一年半前拜访了它,以采访Asako的Asako's。丈夫, Sanghyeok关于他的概念驱动的家具作品。不过,这一天是关于asako的,很高兴听到她的练习故事。从珠宝到装置艺术,将传统的日本木木工带到柏林,以及创造“美丽的误解”的过程。
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The Authentic Unconscious: Studio Visit with Painter, Gala Lillian Glotzbach.

地道的无意识:工作室与画家舞者,Gala Lillian Glotzbach访问。

这周我们与 晚会莉莲·格洛茨巴赫(Lillian Glotzbach) - 一位年轻的柏林画家,他的梦幻作品几周前引起了Instagram的关注。尽管正在为即将举行的个展做准备,但晚会很友好,可以在她的工作室里接待我们的绿茶,并就她的练习进行令人愉快的谈话。我们谈到了她内省的表情,她的调色板的演变以及她与加勒比海根的联系的宣泄而耗尽的品质。
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Finding a Symbiosis Between Process and Form: Studio Visit with Sculptor, Vero Janovec.

在过程和形式之间找到共生:与雕塑家Vero Janovec一起访问。

有时,我觉得我们必须用尽我们的柏林艺术家网络进行这些访谈。但是,有时候,我会偶然地偶然发现了一个全新的人,我立即爱上了他的工作。 Vero Janovec 是其中之一。我找到了Vero的工作 Instagram 并立即被其抽象雕塑的原始品质所吸引。我想进一步了解她的练习。因此,几周前,我很幸运能在她家见Vero喝杯咖啡,并令人愉快地讲述了她的影响力,对工作背后的意义以及她的雕塑与自然的关系。
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“Words Are Not That Important”: Interview with Queer Artist & Performer, Boji Moroz.

“言语并不重要”:与酷儿艺术家和表演者Boji Moroz的访谈。

我首先发现自己在 Boji Moroz 去年10月的一次万圣节聚会。我仍然有一个生动的回忆,即转身发现每个人都沉默了,而Boji站在椅子上,带有iPhone手电筒的斑点,提供了看似即兴的声音表现。这是一个充满灵魂的,歌剧的声音,控制了房间。我想进一步了解Boji作为艺术家 - 值得庆幸的是,他们很友善地义务,一个晚上拜访工作室进行采访。
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Introducing Same Day Delivery to our Berlin Customers.


现在,我们正在通过我们的朋友在我们的朋友身上向柏林客户提供当日交付 标签.
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Catching Distortions of Reality. Studio Visit with Ukrainian Photographer Victoria Pidust.

捕捉现实的扭曲。与乌克兰摄影师Victoria Pidust一起参观工作室。

本周我们拜访了摄影艺术家 维多利亚·普多斯(Victoria Pidust),在她的Weisensee Studio。劳拉(Laura)的一位成员向我们介绍了维多利亚州,当我们的眼睛首先发现她在摄影中的独特,抽象的探索时,我们知道我们必须与她交谈。维多利亚很友善地邀请我们去她的工作室向我们展示她的印刷品,喝茶,并分享她在入侵后在乌克兰建立坦克障碍的故事,她如何找到摄影以及为什么她如此吸引捕捉现实的扭曲。
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Donate Glasses with Us This Black Friday.


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Voice Notes From Tehran.


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Try Our New Virtual Shopping Experience.

Try Our New Virtual Shopping Experience.

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Capturing the Solitude of Being: Interview with Documentary Photographer, Massimiliano Corteselli.

捕捉存在的孤独:与纪录片摄影师Massimiliano Corteselli的访谈。

Massimiliano Corteselli 最近,一个好朋友向我介绍了我,几周前一个晚上在Prenzlauer Berg分享啤酒时,他告诉我他的项目记录了意大利南部的野火。但是,当他向我展示手机上的一些照片时,他对创建这些作品所探索的奇怪而多样的概念方法感到惊讶和感兴趣。我很想听听Massi的实践的更多信息 - 在一个更清醒的头脑中 - 值得庆幸的是,他很友善地邀请我去他的工作室喝咖啡,并向我展示了他的一些印刷品。
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Meet Bridges Over Borders ⁠— a Community Collective Supporting BIPOC/ Queer/ Marginalised Refugees.

在边界上遇到桥梁 - 一个支持Bipoc/ Queer/边缘化难民的社区集体。

一旦我们听说过有意义的工作 边界上的桥梁,我们知道与他们共享我们的平台以帮助扩大他们的事业是正确的。
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We Made a Dance Film.


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“A Little in Architecture, Colours, Materials and Nature”: Studio Visit with Marten Herma Anderson.

“A Little in Architecture, Colours, Materials and Nature”: Studio Visit with Marten Herma Anderson.

Architect, ceramicist and illustrator, Marten Herma Anderson’s broader practice may be described as a harmony between this trio of varying disciplines, as he allows his work within each to inform and enrich the others. We became a fan of Marten on Instagram through his ceramic works, so it was a delight to connect with him and be invited to his studio to learn about the intricacies of his artistic, expressive and honest approach to design.
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Navigating Black Masculinity. Interview with Artist and Writer, Kenny Sang.

导航黑色男性气质。肯尼·桑尼(Kenny Sang)接受艺术家和作家的采访。

摄影艺术家,作家和舞者。 肯尼·桑在主流领域中很少讨论主题的作品对话。男性气质,性和恋物癖之间的复杂相互作用,以及在作为黑人男性经历这些概念时所遇到的独特紧张关系 - 肯尼的艺术和摄影声音在围绕这些思想的重要论述中是一个强大的声音。
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Investigating the Multitude of the Self. Studio Visit with Artist, Margaret Flatley.

调查自我的众多。与艺术家玛格丽特·弗拉特利(Margaret Flatley)一起参观工作室。

从用黏土雕刻到制作寿命蜡烛,再到将自己的形式追踪到巨型画布上,艺术家 玛格丽特·弗拉特利(Margaret Flatley)上周,我很高兴与她一起度过绿茶,就像我很高兴与她一起进行的谈话和谈话一样,曲折和引人注目。在她的Kreuzberg Studio(如果我的记忆力)上是一个经典的柏林早晨,玛格丽特很友善地向我展示了她的工作室和她的工作室,我们讨论了她对探索新方法的开放性,与摄影的关系以及她从良好的角度来看 - 指导练习方法。
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We Worked with Plastic Fischer to Remove 2 Tonnes of Plastic from Indian Rivers. Here's the Impact Report.

We Worked with Plastic Fischer to Remove 2 Tonnes of Plastic from Indian Rivers. Here's the Impact Report.

Mindful consumption is at the essence of what we do — which means that for Black Friday weekend, it was important for us to do more than just discount. As such, we offered our customers an opportunity to help out with a meaningful cause, to remove 2000kg of plastic from polluted Indian rivers, in collaboration with the wonderful team over at Plastic Fischer.
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“Pacifism is a Privilege”: Words from Ukrainian Art Historian and Curator, Valeria Schiller.

“和平主义是一种特权”:乌克兰艺术史学家和策展人瓦莱里亚·席勒(Valeria Schiller)的话。

几周前,克里米亚出生的艺术史学家和策展人 瓦莱里亚·席勒(Valeria Schiller) 在工作室与我们分享了她两次逃离俄罗斯的故事,以及她对目前在祖国战争的感受。
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“Like in all these days, I pretend that I’m calm”: Words from Ukrainian Writer, Liuba Dyvak.

“就像所有这些日子一样,我假装自己很镇定”:乌克兰作家Liuba Dyvak的话。

为了继续我们的故事系列乌克兰的声音,我们与 liuba dyvak - 入侵后设法逃离基辅的作家。几周前,卢巴(Liuba)来到录音室,用啤酒分享她的故事。
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“We’d just like to not die as a culture”: Thoughts of a Ukrainian Student in Berlin.

“We’d just like to not die as a culture”: Thoughts of a Ukrainian Student in Berlin.

A couple of weeks ago I was taking some photos of one of our new pieces on the studio terrace when a young man approached me. We had a friendly conversation and I learned he’d only recently arrived in Berlin from Ukraine, after which the owner of the Lobe Block (where HUNDHUND calls home), Olivia, kindly took him in along with his family to live in the apartment a few doors down from our studio. His name is Kostia, he’s a student from Odesa who likes to make rap music, and he was kind enough to share his story with us.
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“Not a Macbook and an iPhone — a car and a weapon”: Words from Ukrainian Multidisciplinary Musician, Люсі (Lucimuz).


为了继续我们的系列节目,将我们的平台提供给乌克兰的声音,我们与多学科音乐家进行了交谈 o (露西穆斯)关于她将乌克兰民间传说和宗教浪漫主义编织到她的音乐中的实践,逃往柏林,以及对当前对自己家园的入侵的感受。
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Memories of Home: Interview with Ukrainian Artist & Photographer, Elza Gubanova.

Memories of Home: Interview with Ukrainian Artist & Photographer, Elza Gubanova.

To continue our series of Ukrainian voices, we opened up our platform to Leipzig-based artist and photographer Elza Gubanova, to express her thoughts and feelings about what’s happening at the moment in her home country. Elza is also the founder of Ostov Collective  a Ukrainian-German art collective based in Leipzig with the goal of promoting cultural exchange and increasing the visibility of Ukrainian art in Germany.
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Sharing What We’ve Learned About Natural Dyeing. And How You Can Do it At Home.

Sharing What We’ve Learned About Natural Dyeing. And How You Can Do it At Home.

When one of our design team  the talented Cecille Stein  was travelling in Central America, she came across some particularly gifted artisans in a small village near Oaxaca in Mexico who were working with plant materials to produce their own fabric dyes. Around 80% of the inhabitants there are involved in the continuation of this ancient way of creating colours from the plants around them.
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“I Don’t Want to Live in Fear”: Words from Ukrainian Photographer, Kris Voitkiv.

“我不想生活在恐惧中”:乌克兰摄影师Kris Voitkiv的话。

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“The Eyes of My Grandmother Like I’ve Never Seen”: Words from Ukrainian Artist, Kat Oleshko.

“The Eyes of My Grandmother Like I’ve Never Seen”: Words from Ukrainian Artist, Kat Oleshko.

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Translating the Language of Movement. Interview with Performance Artist, Yu Bai.

Translating the Language of Movement. Interview with Performance Artist, Yu Bai.

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Favouring Materialism in Design. Interview with VAUST.


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“Change will come anyway”: Studio Visit with painter, Lotte Wieringa.

“无论如何,变化都会来”:与画家Lotte Wieringa一起参观工作室。

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From the Court to the Canvas: Interview with painter, Filipp Jenikäe.


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Experiencing Bread: Bakery Visit with KEIT Berlin.


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This Black Friday Weekend: We're Working with Plastic Fischer to Remove 2 Tonnes of Plastic Waste From Indian Rivers.


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Invoking the Essence of Organic Forms. Interview with Artist, Designer and Gardener, Louie Isaaman-Jones.

Invoking the Essence of Organic Forms. Interview with Artist, Designer and Gardener, Louie Isaaman-Jones.

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Exploring Hempcrete. Studio Visit with Sculptor, Yasmin Bawa.

探索大麻。工作室与雕塑家Yasmin Bawa一起访问。

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Reinterpreting the Visual Language of London. Studio Visit with Multidisciplinary Artist, Sam Sockett.

重新诠释伦敦的视觉语言。与多学科艺术家Sam Sockett一起参观工作室。

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Interdisciplinary Explorations into Queer Identity. Interview with Performer, Director & Writer, Phoenix Chase-Meares.

跨学科的探索到酷儿身份。与表演者,导演兼作家Phoenix Chase-Meares的访谈。

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